Sunday, September 20, 2009

Paige says... one more design for the road.

Sorry, could resist!

Paige is... posting lots of things she has made.

Made these my self.. things that i lovee!

Paige is.. complex and independent.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Paige can't... wait for Frankie #30!

So... The new Frankie issue is out as it can only grace us with it's presence every few months... But, issue number 30 is here with exclusive interview's with Sarah Blasko.!

A piece of advice, please go and buy that mother of a magazine! There is so much to read and every page is pretty interesting too!




Paige... is reminiscing her day.

Greeting you with pretty pictures before you hear about my trecherous day!

Hello, it's me again.

Yesterday was absolutley un-eventful, I woke up with droopy, tired eyes. Found that my mother still had my mobile from the party last night. DAMN! So I did something I hadnt done in a while, watch video hits! Ahh, many childhood memories there. Until I was interrupted by the house phone ringing, it was my sister calling from up in her room apparently she had been calling out my name but I never heard it over my favorite music show. Anyways, she told me that im probably working today at my casual job, Gloria Jean's. Rang up, told me no then called again and said yes. Caught a lift in a smoke & vomit riddled taxi, amazed how the price can jump to $16.50 on a small piece of road! Okay, so I had an hour to get my Sumo Salad and have a disasterous attempt at eating my Sumo Salad with chop-sticks and catch up with my friend Lara.

I was invited to see "Transformers 2", of course I would love to see Josh Duamel's abs and Megan fox's awesome hair. But, I ended up catching a lift with my friend's Ez and Taz. So, i came home and put on my pyjamas and curled up on the couch with my cat Sophie (aka. Madigliana)watching Harry Potter. Oh, and while my sister Ashyy went out and partied like a 19 year old at the capital! And yes, I said HARRY POTTER!

So, that was the conclusion of my day! I was under the intention that Saturday's are supposed to be jam-packed with fun? Not like last Saturday, I had a great time! Until I woke up the next morning and worked the 8:00 Am shift.


Friday, July 3, 2009

Paige is... Loving.

Rachel Bilson,

This girl seriously has style. Not to meantion her uber-hot boyfriend, Hayden Christensen. Not only can he fight like a Jedi but he can also jump around the world in "Jumper". Okay, So... enough about her BF. I want her cute clothes, full fringe and lush brown hair!

This girl went from being Summer Roberts in "The OC" to a fashionista..

Keeping an eye on this one.

Until next time.



Paige is... Feeling inspired.


I greet you will a beautiful
pieces of photography.

I love finding little things that inspire me. Gives me something to write about. Some people just Have it, like Audrey Hepburn on the black & white screen. She used to say... "I dont know how i ended up in pictures with a face like mine."

Now, Me and you both know how beautiful and unique that women was, For god sake she practically invented the LBD and Big glasses.

True is... im a sucker for old movies and the Cannes festival. Everything was so graceful, and women were practically "untouchable" as they held class and for their own.

I leave you with Happiness and peace.